At least once a day I'm asked "What is the real secret to doing well online"

And usually I'll try and change the subject (because most people don't want to hear
the real answer.. Instead they prefer to hear a get rich quick, do no work and money
will fall in your lap type of fairy tell) and to be honest with you there is no such thing.. 
Never has been, never will be.

If you are interested in reading a no B.S. way to *Really* do well online and for a long time 
at that read what I have written out for you here. These are the same methods that myself 
and many other successful marketers and business owners of all types have used for years 
on end to do well.

Enjoy and if you find value in what I've shared with you be sure to share it with
others on FaceBook, Twitter, etc... In other words "Pay It Forward!"

So lets begin...

The quickest way to be successful online is to:

Stop Following the Flavor of the Week aka chasing every new product that's released. 
Find one and stick to it.... When you try to do consulting/twitter/Facebook ads/seo/apps/affiliate marketing/kindle publishing and every other way under the sun to make money you end up making nothing 
or at most very little. (what I did to avoid the temptation was remove myself from most of the
email subscriptions I had coming into my inbox everyday)

Stop Thinking that Everything is a Scam, because to be honest with you most online 
programs will and do work... If YOU simply stick with it and work it harder than you think 
you should

Stop Refusing to Truly Invest in Yourself.... There is hardly ever a true shortage of money
when you want something, just a shortage of creative ways to get it... So in other words 
get creative, stop thinking $7- warrior products will give you the blueprint to build a $Million$ 
dollar business and invest/do/reap .

START doing YOU... In other words do what YOU want, feel and and resonate with... 
Screw following what the majority of others are doing because in most case the majority are 
ALWAYS doing it all wrong... Not because they are dumb or stupid, but because they just don't
know what they don't know (But YOU do.. Especially now so you really have no excuses)

Start Working Your Ass Off. The cool thing about this part is you don't have to do it for long... 
Just enough to get you there and past there :) (I now work just a few hours a day but make more
money than I would if I was working 20 hours a day at a regular 9-5 job making $20.00 an hour,
5 days a week... But its only possible because I worked my BUTT off for years, about twice as 
hard as most others were willing to...

Even with 4 kids, health issues, limited education, having to work 2 jobs at once and then come 
home and try and teach myself Internet Marketing, super limited money at the time and more..

But I had the will and desire to do better... 
When you want something bad enough there are NO excuses.. NONE!) If you have an excuse or
a "But" going through your head right now you might as well stop reading this because you'll probably
never make it at what you want to do unless you condition yourself to stop coming up with excuses
first.(I'm just being honest with you.. Most people won't have the heart to tell you that.. Most won't
have the guts to take the advice)

- Start Working Super Smart... The best way to do this is hire people that are smarter than you in the

areas that you need them to be. You'll be surprised at the number of super smart people that are out
there that need work. It doesn't have to be $15-$20- an hour work... In fact I have employees with PHDs
and Masters degree that work for me for much less, by their own choice. Leverage their abilities to accomplish
more and it'll be a win/win for you both
- Start Doing More.... 50 to 100 times more. This may sound like a lot but when you have the right mindset,
plan, systems and belief of what's possible you'll soon see that it's actually fractional. By doing a lot I mean
if you plan on publishing Ebooks or apps, don't waste your time planning how to get 5 out, write out a plan to
get 300, 500 or even 1000 out. This alone is what took me from $0 to $40k a month with Kindle publishing and
now I'm on track to do it again with app publishing and have two baskets of eggs. Stop pussyfooting around
with thinking small, save that for those that want to go through life playing it safe... Go Big! I do it publishing
little ebooks and show you how to do it also right here in this video:

And lastly.....

Start!!!!!! Nothing happens until you start. Stop the planning, trying to be perfect and 

waiting... You have more to lose by not starting than you do by starting.. Start Now!

Ty Cohen
P.S. As I mentioned at the very beginning of this email if you received
value out of what I've written here be sure to "Pay It Forward" by sharing it
with others on FaceBook, your blog, Twitter or anywhere else you see fit..
NOTE: Be sure to give credit to TyCohen when doing so.
Add me on FaceBook at
and Twitter at

 Also if you are interested ins eyeing one of my newest apps, one

that is already receiving tens of thousands of downloads in the Apple iTunes
store be sure to download it and leave me POSITIVE feedback as well (I would appreciate that)

The name of the app is "Kick The Politician" and its a free game that allows you to

release steam by beating the hell out of some of the world's most famous 
politicians like President Obama, Mitt Romney, Sara Palin, Hitler, 
Saddam Hussein, George Bush and many more.

Download it on your iPhone here:

P.P.P.S. Also be sure to watch this video to see how I'm making a ton
of cash publishing little ebooks to Amazon's Kindle:

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